3D Modelling part 3

3D modeling- 3- with


Here the pictures, how the interface looks like, how we edit the model every small square or rectangle is called mesh, this mesh joined together and formed a circular type or spherical type model, we make it sharp , smooth and many more by editing it. Basically editing the mesh edges , moving it by x, y or z dirn , just started with a point located in 0,0,0. We can change the coordinates at any time we want. Since the modelling is in 3d virtual space and your desktop screen is a 2d display w have the view like
Right side
Left side
And back view , this views are 2d , cause its only interprets only two direction like front view is graphical representation of x and y coordinate, its depends upon which software do you using, and which type of setting or layout you use, by the way we have 2 other representation like user perspectives and camera view will discuss later or interest of viewer. With this basic concepts keep on mind we model in 3D. But there is more technique to make it easier but for starting it is enough. Understanding 3D space.
